Help & Support
Questions? You're in the right spot.
How can we help you?
Email us at We’ll respond within 4 business hours.
Would you like us to look at the project you are working on and offer assistance?
Great! Follow these steps, and we’ll be happy to help. Go to Manage Team and invite to your team. Once we’ve accepted the invitation, you can re-assign a project to us by hovering over the “…” to the far right on the project line in the Project screen. Click “Reassign” and select from the drop down. Be sure to put a note in so we know what to look at for you. We’ll respond within 4 business hours.
Check out our ‘How to’ channel on YouTube
You’ll find several short video explanations to many TaxExact features here. But, if you don’t find what you’re looking for, contact Support via one of the above options.