You don't have time to spend on detailed 1040 reviews.
Verified by TaxExact is a ‘done for you’ services that gives you time back to invest in higher value conversations with clients.
Move 1040 reviews off your plate
Remove the bottleneck in your firm to focus on more profitable advisory work.
Our tax experts will review of all of your 1040 returns
Our team of onshore reviewers use our patent pending technology, TaxExact, to verify the totals on the return, isolating errors with notes and diagnostics.
Spend your time focusing on advisory and consulting services
You get a deliverable that can be finalized in a fraction of the time it takes the 'old school' way of reviewing 1040s. That same deliverable can be used for client collaboration.

We see beyond automating 1040 preparation to revolutionizing the review process so your firm can provide the proactive services clients need.

You deserve a partner who knows how to review 1040s and can provide proof of an accurate review.

From simple returns to the most complex, our team has helped partners gain the time they need to proactively advise and consult. Isn’t that more fun than reviewing 1040s anyway?

Get a free demo
Book your demo and consultation. We want to learn about your firm and understand your goals.
Outsource your 1040 reviews
Together, we'll build a plan that includes the number and complexity of 1040 returns you want to outsource to us for review.
Advise and consult
With detailed technical reviews off your plate, you can finally focus time on providing the high value, proactive services clients need- and will pay for.