The only cloud solution that automates the 1040 review

Reviewing 1040 returns is inefficient and consumes time you could be spending on more profitable, higher value work. It doesn’t have to be the traffic jam in your firm.

TaxExact fits seamlessly into your existing tax preparation process

We understand what it takes to review 1040 returns.
"I've done my share of tax work over the last 10 years or so, but never really considered myself a tax accountant. After this tax season, I really feel like I can take on a number of issues and have a better understanding of taxes thanks to TaxExact. I finally know how the return form and the calculations work."
"I caught errors so much faster than ticking and tieing. Standardizing a process that starts the 1040 review with TaxExact allows you to see where the land mines are up front."
"It's one thing to just fill out a return in the software and then it calculates everything for you, but you're not actually checking each line. You just expect that it's going to do it right and that’s not always the case. With TaxExact, you know if something's off and you have to investigate it."